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Dr Dewey Caron

WAS Member at large

Dr. Dewey M. Caron is Emeritus Professor of Entomology & Wildlife Ecology, Univ of Delaware, & Affiliate Professor, Dept Horticulture, Oregon State University. I had professional appointments at Cornell (1968-70), Univ of Maryland (1970-81), and U Delaware 1981-2009, serving as entomology chair at the last 2. I retired from Univ of Delaware in 2009 and moved to Portland, OR to be closer to my grandkids. I organized a WAS annual meeting and served as President of WAS in Salem OR in 2010 following the 2009 Victoria meeting. Currently am member-at-large to WAS Board. I represent WAS on Honey Bee Health Coalition and am the principal author of HBHC Tools for Varroa Management and B MPs. In retirement I remain active in bee education, writing for newsletters, giving Bee Short Courses, assisting in several Master beekeeper programs, and giving presentations to local, state, and regional bee clubs. I am the author of Honey Bee Biology & Beekeeping, a major textbook used in University and Association bee courses, and have a new bee book (my 10th) The Complete Bee Handbook published by Rockridge Press. I have conducted a Pacific NorthWest annual loss and management survey for the past 10 years and a Pollination economics survey for the last 8.

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Dr Dewey Caron

About WAS

The Western Apicultural Society (WAS) is a non-profit, educational, beekeeping organization founded in 1978 for the benefit and enjoyment of all beekeepers in western North America. Membership is encouraged from anywhere in the world. However, the organization is specifically designed to meet the educational needs of beekeepers from the states of Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming as well as the provinces of Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan and the Yukon.

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© 2020 Western Apicultural Society of North America
Site by Shea Gerard

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