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February 15th - Mini Conference - Talking with Pheromones


Main Speaker:

Dr. Jon Zawislak Honey Bee Pheromone Communication

Speaker 1: Regional Update Series

Nelda Murri, WAS Oregon Director will give a short talk on her beekeeping

In-Person Conference Update:

Ron Miksha, WAS Alberta Director will give an update on our annual conference preparations: Why Calgary?


Common Scents: Honey Bee Pheromone Communication. Honey bees have developed some fascinating and intricate methods of communication, including a complex language of chemical signals known as pheromones. Learn more about some of these signals and how your bees use them to communicate information throughout the colony.


Dr. Jon Zawislak is an assistant professor of apiculture and urban entomology for the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture. He has worked and played with honey bees since 1998, and is equally at home in the bee yard, the laboratory or the classroom. Each year he presents lectures, workshops and short courses for new and experienced beekeepers throughout Arkansas and beyond. His teaching emphasizes the biology and behavior of honey bees as the cornerstones of keeping them productive and healthy. He also spreads the word about the importance of pollinators to the non-beekeeping public. Jon has a background in botany and entomology, and is a certified Master Beekeeper through the Eastern Apiculture Society. He and his family operate Walnut Valley Honey Farm in Little Rock, Arkansas, producing good products from the hive and supplying pollinators for area community gardens.

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The Western Apicultural Society (WAS) is a non-profit, educational, beekeeping organization founded in 1978 for the benefit and enjoyment of all beekeepers in western North America. Membership is encouraged from anywhere in the world. However, the organization is specifically designed to meet the educational needs of beekeepers from the states of Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming as well as the provinces of Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan and the Yukon.

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Site by Shea Gerard

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